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  • Until next time...

    » Posted on July 10th, 2006 07:59:41 AM by briegel

    Well, a close finish definitely! I feel like Germany, 3rd place is very respectable, but damn it I was so close to going all the way. Anyway, see you next time and congratulations!!
  • Thanks Cabezon

    » Posted on July 10th, 2006 06:55:18 AM by anand

    But I think it is more down to luck than anything else...
  • it is over..

    » Posted on July 10th, 2006 06:16:53 AM by cabezon

    now what do we do with our lives..??

    marcos thank you very much.. it was lovely.. this made the world cup much more fun.. and frustrating in a way.. I agree with anand, you should do it for eurocup and even copa america.. probably los juegos centroamericanos too..(by the way, all my respect to anand, congrats) la polla proved to be a high quality high tech competition with high class competitors.. marcos, thank you.. I'll always remember you now and think about you every night..

    thank you also for letting me advertise my favorite blog here too.. (though I didn't really ask).. and on that note, has more updates on the world cup and will continue to publish on an almost regular basis with the same absurd sarcastic nonsense..

    adios amigoooooosss!!!!!!!!!
  • THX

    » Posted on July 09th, 2006 06:54:37 PM by cuate007

    Marcos, Thx for all of this!! I ran out of luck at the end...however I finished 4 out of 80..not bad...Congrats to the winner!!
  • Thanks :)

    » Posted on July 08th, 2006 02:00:13 PM by anand

    Briegel, Camcoca. Thanks guys and apologies for never responding to your emails before. The thing is I started thinking that the moment I responded I would jinx my chances of winning...So apologies for that.

    Marcos - excellent work on this website. We should do this for Euro 2008 as well!! Thanks a ton for the excitement you have provided all of us!! This world cup was definitely even more special thanks to this polla!
  • co-first

    » Posted on July 08th, 2006 01:57:07 PM by camcoca

    Congratulations Anand for your co-first place.
  • RISK

    » Posted on July 08th, 2006 12:49:04 PM by briegel

    I'm risking it all in this GER-POR game, come on Portugal!
  • How?

    » Posted on July 06th, 2006 04:40:22 PM by briegel

    anand, camcoa, how am I supossed to catch up, if you predict the same results? I thought I had you with that France-Portugal, darn....
  • HE WON!!!!!!!!

    » Posted on July 05th, 2006 05:07:54 PM by le mush

    As most of you already know, thanks to kirsch, who made it public in the forum, he and I, had an inside bet going on, and today my mathematical chances of defating him are gone, so he is the winner, he was more acurate than I was, and he deserves every penny.
    So there you go Kirsch, I declare you the winner publicly, congratulations to you, and better luck for me next time.
    Hey, dude, maybe for the next POLLA, we could enter togheter, that would be a good team.

    » Posted on July 05th, 2006 05:01:35 PM by le mush

    As this thing comes to an end, i would like to aknowladge the GOOD JOB!!!!!! done by my dear, dear, nephew Marcos (Kirsch), who made a wounderfull job, in organizing this polla, to highest standards tecnologikly speaking, and also to keep us intersred on it.
    I belive I speak for everyone, when I say, that this aded to the fun of waching the world cup.
  • Photo finish?

    » Posted on July 05th, 2006 11:18:31 AM by kirsch

    3 games to go... if Anand gets 2 points, he will pretty much win the thing. If the game ends 1-1 then things will get extremely interesting at the end. Mathematically most of us are out. Personally I'm still playing now to win bragging rights (i.e. friends who made fun of me when I was last place the first round). Also, I placed a personal bet with le mush and it's now almost certain I win - I have a 6 point lead over him. Good.
  • Very exciting finish?

    » Posted on July 05th, 2006 11:17:13 AM by kirsch

    3 games to go... if Anand gets 2 points, he will pretty much win the thing. If the game ends 0-0 then things will get extremely interesting at the end. Mathematically most of us are out. Personally I'm still playing now to win bragging rights (i.e. friends who made fun of me when I was last place the first round). Also, I placed a personal bet with le mush and it's now almost certain I win - I have a 6 point lead over him. Good.
  • Bravissimo

    » Posted on July 04th, 2006 03:14:45 PM by cuate007

    Belissima Italia....
  • Results?

    » Posted on July 04th, 2006 02:03:04 PM by briegel

    I know I didn´t get any points for GER-ITA, but who did? where are the results? usually posted right after the game... suspense....
  • to LE MUSH

    » Posted on July 03rd, 2006 04:15:59 PM by kosher

    OH, and i forgot to answer your question. I tought Brasil and France would tie and then France would have won in penalty shootout, and anyway I don´t stand a chance of winning this thing anymore. And finally, it came out way better! ALLEZ LES BLEUS!
  • LEARN!

    » Posted on July 03rd, 2006 04:13:27 PM by kosher

    Eli, aprende a escribir en inglés cabron, antes de regañarme!
    LE MUSH, first of all, before you get all worked up with me, learn how to write correctly in english. Second of all, what the hell does your nickname mean?

    jajajaja saludos tio!

    » Posted on July 01st, 2006 05:51:25 PM by le mush

    Hey, kosher, how comes I entered in a France win over Brasil, and you didn't?
    Congratulations frenchis, you go on and write something in french now, you earned.
  • Still interesting

    » Posted on July 01st, 2006 10:54:22 AM by serge

    Well, not for me, but it is fun to watch the polla unfold. It seems that the final game will decide the winner here (as it should be!)
    Good luck all!
  • Gone?

    » Posted on June 30th, 2006 10:56:27 AM by briegel

    Good job Anand! Can we still catch up? Or are we now contesting for 2nd place? We'll see, England - Portugal will be important...
  • Where are the results?

    » Posted on June 30th, 2006 08:53:35 AM by toniolie

    It is not the same without results :(
    You can not see who still has possibilities of obtaining points.
  • Yet another bug....

    » Posted on June 30th, 2006 05:19:36 AM by la ignorancia

    Marcos, mi nick stop showing in the table of results a couple of days ago.
    FIX IT!
  • Ready.... Set.... GO!!

    » Posted on June 28th, 2006 12:41:10 PM by briegel

    Starting random number generator....... Serge you can pick from here too hehe! 2-1, 3-0, 1-1, 1-2, 0-0, 4-2, 0-3, 2-3, 1-3, 4-1, 2-2, 3-2, 2-1, 3-1, 2-1, 1-0, 0-0, 2-4, 0-3, 2-3, 1-3, 4-1, 2-4, 3-2... and 10-10!

    » Posted on June 28th, 2006 11:52:58 AM by le mush

    Lisent, kosher, france is doing o.k. congratulations, but please, write in english like every one else, o.k.?
    And by the way, I think they will defeat Brasil.

    » Posted on June 27th, 2006 02:15:52 PM by kosher


  • Wow!!

    » Posted on June 27th, 2006 01:50:55 PM by cuate007

    Zidane is back!!! What a goal!! Good to see that France is back!!!
  • Good 1st Half

    » Posted on June 27th, 2006 12:48:53 PM by cuate007

    Good game so for between FRA - SPA...I hope they keep it up for the 2nd half...
  • ,,,,

    » Posted on June 27th, 2006 12:17:31 PM by ace

    Ole! Ole Ole Ole! Ole! Ole!
  • Damn!

    » Posted on June 27th, 2006 09:54:34 AM by cuate007

    So close!!! Damn Ze Roberto!!!
  • Polla Easter Egg

    » Posted on June 27th, 2006 07:34:21 AM by kirsch

    Doesn't mean anything in terms of winning the Polla, but if you enter this address:
    you can see the results table for only the Second Round.
  • When are the results due?

    » Posted on June 26th, 2006 09:57:50 PM by kirsch

    If you go to the Enter Results page, you'll see there clearly when the results are due. But basically, it's when the first game of the round starts.
  • question for Marcos

    » Posted on June 26th, 2006 08:49:30 PM by le mush

    Hey, Marcos, what's the time limit for entering the results to the next round.
  • Referees...

    » Posted on June 26th, 2006 08:04:00 PM by traserosface

    There are the bad ones and the worst ones... last world cup in Korea, Italy and Spain suffered from bad referees and at least, Italy got paid back today. Funny it was in front of Gus Hidding again. In the end, justice may be slow, but the bastard paid his luck from last time.
    I agree it wasn't a penalty, yes, but Australia didn't generate anything either, Italy was far closer to the goal than the Socceroos. Sorry, but this is the reality, whether you like it or not. They have favored England, Portugal, Germany, etc, so don't be stupid and blame only the Italians, 'cause everybody is getting free tickets here.

    » Posted on June 26th, 2006 07:16:17 PM by cabezon

    world cup update..

    "Anatomy of Saturday 06/24/06: A Pretentious Novel.."
  • Not just Mexico

    » Posted on June 26th, 2006 03:24:24 PM by briegel

    It's good to know that Mexico is not the only one who sucks at penalty shots... the Swiss could not score even once in their shots!
  • Is it jsut me?

    » Posted on June 26th, 2006 11:45:30 AM by kirsch

    Or do the referees seem to be tilted in favor of the big-name teams? That penalty on Australia was bullshit, and most people agree Heinze should have gotten a red card in the Mexico game when he lost the ball and tackled Fonseca.

    Maybe after the 2002 referee fiasco, FIFA gave clear instructions to the referees: when in doubt, help the big one.
  • joke

    » Posted on June 26th, 2006 10:41:00 AM by le mush

    Guys, to cheer you all up, about Mexico´s defat and all, I going to tll you a joke, I herad on t.v. last nigth.
    It seems the U.S. have not been able to get Bin Laden, so they decided, that intest of heep tryng to catch him, they are goning to turn him into a mexican fan, that way, HE WILL SUFFER EVEREY 4 YEARS.
    Ha, ha, ha, ha.
    Hope you like it.
  • It's pointless

    » Posted on June 26th, 2006 10:07:15 AM by eva

    From now on it seems like betting on the favorite is the thing to do, either the team or the referee will make sure they go through. Why bother really?.

    » Posted on June 25th, 2006 09:47:58 PM by serge

    This one is going to be a challenge... it can go either way. I'm better off with a random number generator than trying to figure this one out...

    ps. above (rnd) is true for me for the last 15 matches...
  • QF

    » Posted on June 25th, 2006 10:06:18 AM by anand

    Although it is unfortunate that the best 2 teams of the tournament so far (Arg-Ger) are meeting up so early...would have been a grand final to see them play each other.
  • Kirsch...Mexico

    » Posted on June 25th, 2006 10:04:13 AM by anand

    Marcos - I thought Ivory Coast outplayed Argentina by quite a little. The Mex-Arg was pretty evenly matched. But what you fail to mention is the disallowed goal for argentina in the 86th min....Althought kudos to Mexico for coming out with their guns blazing...
  • Rollercoaster

    » Posted on June 25th, 2006 07:16:27 AM by briegel

    I started watching the Mexico game kind of assuming Argentina would win, but hoping for a miracle. What do you know, score in the first 5 minutes. I thought is it possible? Then the tie. Then a great game. Then that beautiful Argentinian goal. Why? Why? A rollercoaster of emotions.
  • This sucks...

    » Posted on June 24th, 2006 05:15:42 PM by kirsch

    Mexico is out of the World Cup. What else is there now in life to look forward to?
    I must say, that play where Fonseca steals the ball and gets fouled should have been a red card. And the referee as always couldn't get himself to pull out those yellows against Argentina when he should have. Those could have changed everything.
    Anyway... at least I must say I'm proud of how Mexico played (not something the americans, french or czech can say), and I think that everyone will agree this has been the hardest game for Argentina by far and the only one in which they did not outplay the rival.
  • The most beautful one...

    » Posted on June 24th, 2006 02:12:55 PM by serge

    arg:mex 2:1, The most beautiful goal I've seen so far.

    » Posted on June 24th, 2006 02:06:38 PM by ace

    Go MAXI!

    » Posted on June 24th, 2006 02:05:12 PM by ace

    The game should have ended 2 - 1 Arg! That was clearly onside! Arg deserve to win!
  • just when I thought Arg were down...

    » Posted on June 24th, 2006 12:09:45 PM by ace

  • GOAL!

    » Posted on June 24th, 2006 12:09:15 PM by ace

    nice Mexico! Good start!
  • So...

    » Posted on June 23rd, 2006 01:59:47 PM by briegel

    C'mon Korea, You left me 1 goal shy of having a perfect day. Oh well, on to the next round. What will the strategy be, play it safe and go for big teams? Go for a couple of surprises? France could loose... also the Netherlands, even Spain and France might be even in regular time... aahhhhh!!
  • Round of Sixteen

    » Posted on June 23rd, 2006 07:11:45 AM by kirsch

    Remember to enter your results for the Round of Sixteen. Once the games start, the form is automatically closed and you won't be able to edit the results.
  • Sprinting

    » Posted on June 22nd, 2006 02:18:29 PM by briegel

    With only one day left to close the first round, we have camcoa, nurkos and anand on the lead, followed closely by
    colombia al 2010, with cuate007 and chaparro breathing down their necks! And then, a whole bunch of us in a peloton that wants to catch up! Tomorrow will be a key day for the leaders to start the sprint, or regret it forever!!!

    » Posted on June 22nd, 2006 01:13:10 PM by ace

    and yes! THEY ARE BACK! WHOA! Now this is football...joga bonito!
  • Mixed Mixed

    » Posted on June 22nd, 2006 09:07:55 AM by briegel

    My heart and soul hope that Mexico will win. My brain is commands a masacre win for Argentina for the polla results. Mmmmm.. Money wins!
  • Czech Republic

    » Posted on June 22nd, 2006 09:06:42 AM by kirsch

    The first World Cup 2006 disappointment.
  • Czech Republic

    » Posted on June 22nd, 2006 09:05:23 AM by kirsch

    The first World Cup 2006 dissapointment.
  • hmm..

    » Posted on June 22nd, 2006 08:02:04 AM by ace

    ..the way Argentina played yesterday and the way Mexico played Portugal, we all know who the winner is gonna Mexico has to keep its round of 16 streak alive, doesn't it? :)
  • Can Mexico beat Argentina?

    » Posted on June 22nd, 2006 05:53:18 AM by danieljllo

    cuate007: wait until saturday to see my predictions! ;)
  • Neither Argentina nor England...

    » Posted on June 21st, 2006 08:55:14 PM by cuate007

    Hey danieljllo, you still think Mexico is going to win over Argentina in the 2nd round??

    Neither Argentina nor England...

    » Posted on June 09th, 2006 07:41:13 AM by danieljllo
    I think Argentina is going to loose against Mexico in the second round. England is going to loose against Brasil in the semi finals... and Brasil will be the champion.

    » Posted on June 21st, 2006 04:36:08 PM by cabezon

    no mamen.. chequen esta pagina.. hay un chingo de mamadas.. algunas del mundial y otras de pendejadas.. esta cabron..

    » Posted on June 21st, 2006 04:34:32 PM by cabezon

    for updates on mexico, the world cup and other ridiculous things check out
  • alright alright..

    » Posted on June 21st, 2006 01:48:03 PM by ace

    ...i am just being greedy about points....well done Ivory Coast! You deserve it!
  • noooooooo.......

    » Posted on June 21st, 2006 01:46:27 PM by ace

    why did you score IVC???? damn it!
  • argentina...

    » Posted on June 21st, 2006 01:43:34 PM by ace

    ...has been really impressive..they haven't scored yet today, but just looking at the likes of Messi and Tevez play with Rodriguez and Riquelme, its certain that they are definitely the title challengers this year!
  • MEXICO SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    » Posted on June 21st, 2006 11:44:46 AM by le mush

    But in the birth side, my submited result for this match was, Portugal 2 Mexico 1,
  • Oh boy oh boy

    » Posted on June 21st, 2006 09:49:17 AM by briegel

    That was ugly, again, touching the ball in the area, missing penlaty shots, Mexico has no hopes, as usual.....
  • BUUU

    » Posted on June 21st, 2006 09:35:03 AM by kosher

  • bah!

    » Posted on June 21st, 2006 09:32:32 AM by ace

    why did iran score..i would have had 4 points :P My streak of 10 games in a row ends :P
  • Mexico

    » Posted on June 21st, 2006 09:06:21 AM by cuate007

    Disappointing again!!! Good luck (they're going to need it) against either Argentina or the Netherlands
  • Anti-Doping

    » Posted on June 20th, 2006 04:50:16 PM by cuate007

    I want the anti-doping comission to test chaparro for illegal substances...there is no way in hell he could get 2 scores in one day without a little "chemical" help!!!
  • Anti-Doping

    » Posted on June 20th, 2006 02:50:21 PM by cuate007

    I want the anti-doping comission to test chaparro for illegal substances...there is no way in hell he could get 2 scores in one day without a little "chemical" help!!!
  • my slow climb continues...

    » Posted on June 20th, 2006 02:00:28 PM by ace Joe Cole ... that was the goal of the tournament!

    » Posted on June 20th, 2006 12:19:41 PM by le mush

    Chapulin, I agree with you on all, Spain is the truth surprise of this tournament, and have a real chance, while Ecuador all dough, have been doing well, they will not play a 5th game.
    And yes, the bet team on the tournament rigth now, based on what they have showed, is no doubt, ARGENTINA.
  • the best?? or the surprisse?

    » Posted on June 19th, 2006 07:17:47 PM by chapulin

    I think that one surprisse could be spain, now the best so far, is argentina, someone agreed????
  • the best?? or the surprisse?

    » Posted on June 19th, 2006 07:16:56 PM by chapulin

    I think that one surprisse could be spain, now the best so far, is argentina, someone agreed????
  • my climb up the charts is slow and steady..

    » Posted on June 19th, 2006 01:58:52 PM by ace

    ..9 points behind the chance unless some miracle happens!
  • Not so....

    » Posted on June 19th, 2006 11:34:01 AM by briegel

    Sorry Ecoloco....
  • Follow the leader!

    » Posted on June 19th, 2006 08:29:56 AM by ecoloco

    If the leader's predictions work out, this may be a breakthrough day for me... muleirinho, here I go!!! he he he
  • Nice Start

    » Posted on June 19th, 2006 07:56:30 AM by briegel

    Well, the week has started with the right foot for me, unfortunately I predicted 1-1 for Spain-Tunisia, so we'll see....
  • wow!

    » Posted on June 17th, 2006 01:06:32 PM by ace

    this is really bad refreeing...what the hell
  • US!

    » Posted on June 17th, 2006 12:29:15 PM by ace

    Jeez..! are u kidding me! This group is going to be wide open now!
  • Could have been much worse

    » Posted on June 17th, 2006 10:54:48 AM by serge

    easily 0:4... but they were too excited to convert all the opportunities in the last 10 min. (Not counting missed penal)
  • Ghana

    » Posted on June 17th, 2006 10:54:26 AM by cuate007

    All I have to say: Amazing! Congrats to Ghana!!
  • WHOA!

    » Posted on June 17th, 2006 10:52:32 AM by ace

    Ghana! What a game! What movement! AMMMMAAAAAZZZZZIIIIINNNGGG!
  • woo!

    » Posted on June 17th, 2006 09:05:14 AM by ace

    nice Ghana!
  • the worst thing about that mexico game

    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 03:06:45 PM by ilan

    is that now i will be rooting for iran to beat angola...

    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 02:37:24 PM by danieljllo

    I agree with both. Perhaps if the top 10 players agree with the modification, we could do it. But I think it is a bit complicated to get their feedback...
  • Scoring in the 2nd half

    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 02:36:54 PM by serge

    OK, we are not changing anything, and that's OK. However, while the elimination games are more important, we've already seen all the teams in action in three games, so we have more prior knowledge to base our scores on. Therefore, the guesses should be somewhat easier, which cancels out the importance factor...
    Moot point, as we are not changing anything now.

    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 02:27:26 PM by kirsch

    Regarding camcoca's suggestion:
    While I think that increasing the value of matches in more advanced rounds of the tournament is a good idea, unfortunately I can't change the rules after people already signed up given a set of rules. I can see the leader protesting if I change anything, as I'd be giving more of a chance to people who was left behind. Sorry, it's a great suggestion though.



    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 11:06:13 AM by camcoca
    I suggest to at least DOUBLE the points for next rounds.
    There will be only 16 games left and they’re the most important, most of us have similar points and we don't want to have a polla winner before the semis or the final! Does anyone DISagree?? What do you say Kirsch?
  • On the other hand...

    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 02:16:42 PM by traserosface

    Nobody made any points out of this game... well only one person. We're good.
  • Sorry guys...

    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 02:13:24 PM by traserosface

    Angola was supposed to be the easy one for Mexico... you're gonna need a lot of luck and nuts against Portugal guys.
  • Mexico Disappoints

    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 02:05:44 PM by cuate007

    Bad game, let me rephrase that real, real, real bad game for Mexico. I think being a favorite went to their heads easily. Good luck to Mexico against Portugal!!!

    danieljllo, I just might do what you are suggesting!!!
  • Ugly Disappointment

    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 01:58:00 PM by briegel

    I thought I underbid with Mexico 1 - Angola 0. What a fricking disaster. We have no chance against Portugal, much less Argentina or Holland.
  • so many chances....

    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 01:42:52 PM by ace

    ...and no goals to show for it! What's up Mexico?
  • viva la mexico?

    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 01:22:54 PM by ace

    where are the goals?

    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 11:06:13 AM by camcoca

    I suggest to at least DOUBLE the points for next rounds.
    There will be only 16 games left and they’re the most important, most of us have similar points and we don't want to have a polla winner before the semis or the final! Does anyone DISagree?? What do you say Kirsch?
  • one can only feel for Ivory Coast...

    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 09:49:33 AM by ace

    ..they were put in the wrong group...they definitely deserve to be in the Round of 16...they are a great team
  • ugh..

    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 09:27:32 AM by ace

    make that twice :P
  • Cmon Drogba!

    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 09:24:56 AM by ace

    I just need you to score once!
  • Vamos, vamos, argentina...

    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 09:07:50 AM by danieljllo

    Amazing display by the gauchos. Mexico and Portugal should be worried...

    Good job cuate007!!! If you win la polla, you know in which Lake Travis we are going to celebrate!
  • 6-0

    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 08:32:25 AM by toniolie

  • Highest Scoring Game

    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 08:30:41 AM by cuate007

    I think that the highest scoring game has been Hungary 10 - El Salvador 1 in Spain '82
  • Refresh Post

    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 08:02:42 AM by briegel

    Something weird happens when you hit refresh on the post page I think, either a duplicate post or somebody elses post on your name, anyway, 6-0 is probably the highest scoring game I've seen, what is the record?
  • If only it could stay that way

    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 07:12:49 AM by serge

    Wow 3-0 already, in the first half. It would be nice if it stayed that way, but given how Argentina is playing so far, I doubt it...
  • If only it could stay that way

    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 06:38:27 AM by briegel

    Wow 2-0 already, in the first half. It would be nice if it stayed that way, but given how Argentina is playing so far, I doubt it...
  • Go Serbia :)

    » Posted on June 16th, 2006 12:14:48 AM by ace

    I'd love a 0-0 draw! hocus pocus ... 0-0 draw give us! :)
  • finally some points...

    » Posted on June 15th, 2006 01:52:22 PM by ace

    2 out of 6 compared to 0 tomorrow...time to climb up..hopefully :)
  • YESSSS!!!

    » Posted on June 15th, 2006 01:47:03 PM by ace

    Go Freddie! Now stay that way!
  • nice!

    » Posted on June 15th, 2006 10:57:44 AM by ace

    England should learn from this and for once play Stevie G upfront instead of Lampard! What a goal! What a player!
  • Who said concacaf was better?

    » Posted on June 15th, 2006 10:50:42 AM by eva

    There's no point comparing concacaf to conmebol, no sane person would say concacaf is better! (although I'm really surprised Trinidad and Tobago has only one goal against).
  • cmon England!

    » Posted on June 15th, 2006 09:13:57 AM by ace

    looks like a goal might happen any moment now
  • Ecuador!!

    » Posted on June 15th, 2006 08:44:34 AM by toniolie

    Cinderella Team?
    Caballo Negro?
  • Cafeteria Games?

    » Posted on June 15th, 2006 08:39:03 AM by briegel

    By the way guys, yesterday they were showing the 11:00am game at both B and C cafeterias. I don't know if they'll keep doing that every day or if they will show the other games, but I think I'll be having lunch over there every day now.....
  • Tómala CONCACAF!

    » Posted on June 15th, 2006 07:57:00 AM by danieljllo

    CONMEBOL: 5 games, 4 victories, 1 lost
    CONCACAF: 5 games, 1 victory, 1 tie, 3 lost
  • Results table enhancements

    » Posted on June 14th, 2006 07:11:49 PM by kirsch

    I changed the table to repeat the matches so that it's easier to scroll and know what you're looking for. Hopefully you like it and don't think it's a(nother) bug.
  • Good day today...

    » Posted on June 14th, 2006 02:04:57 PM by serge

    Whew! The two last games, last minute scores. Some rollercoaster for me, but it ended up more than OK.
  • If kirsch is beating you...

    » Posted on June 14th, 2006 01:58:36 PM by danieljllo means you are doing pretty bad... :(
    10 points out of 34 possible = 29%

    elreydavid and serge have 17/34 = 50%
  • ugh!

    » Posted on June 14th, 2006 01:55:24 PM by ace

    bad day for me...0 pts :( Germany scored that late goal..grrr...oh well...tomorrow will be a mucho better day
  • Not a bad day for me

    » Posted on June 14th, 2006 01:50:46 PM by kirsch

    Five out of six points.... now let's keep that up for the rest of the tournament.
  • are we heading for a draw

    » Posted on June 14th, 2006 12:54:57 PM by ace

    ...seems like we mostly have wins for Germany predicted in this game..and some draw results like me...or if you are picho rulez..'apparantly' have a win for the this stage it looks like we are headed for a draw!

    » Posted on June 14th, 2006 11:03:06 AM by ace


    I feel better now
  • YESSSS!!!!

    » Posted on June 14th, 2006 09:24:57 AM by ace

    ok now...stay that way!
  • not sure who to support here...

    » Posted on June 14th, 2006 09:06:52 AM by ace

    ...but I should be supporting my prediction...which is purely random..but nonetheless...

    GO TUNISIA! :)
  • Woow!

    » Posted on June 14th, 2006 07:39:50 AM by cuate007

    Nice Goal for Spain. The best so far!!!
  • Best goal for this WC so far!

    » Posted on June 14th, 2006 07:37:58 AM by danieljllo

  • Ukraine: big dissapointment?

    » Posted on June 14th, 2006 07:10:47 AM by danieljllo

    I was expecting more from Ukraine. That penalty and red card for Ukraine was unfair though.
  • you've got to feel sorry for ukraine...

    » Posted on June 14th, 2006 07:08:41 AM by ace

    ..that was not a penalty..its just not their day
  • quite impressive...

    » Posted on June 14th, 2006 06:58:05 AM by ace

    ..spain look quite organized..and they are making some wonderful they going beyond the qtrs this year? :)
  • whoa!

    » Posted on June 14th, 2006 06:30:03 AM by ace

    nice going spain!
  • Unbelievable

    » Posted on June 14th, 2006 06:25:32 AM by kirsch

    I stay home to watch Spain VS Ukraine... I go to the bathroom for 5 minutes and Spain scores 2 goals.
  • hmm...

    » Posted on June 13th, 2006 02:19:17 PM by ace I just got back after watching the Brazil game..I have to say ... I am scared...Brazil played like shit...literally..except that wonderful goal from Kaka...Croatia was far more organized..and if it wasn't for the efforts of Dida, they would have lost today. Ronaldo looked like he was totally uninterested with the happenings on the field...jeez...I expected way better from the champs. :P
  • Claudia rocks!

    » Posted on June 13th, 2006 01:52:47 PM by serge

    Claudia had a major breakthrough today. Congrats on two excellent predictions.
  • France has proved yet again..

    » Posted on June 13th, 2006 10:54:11 AM by ace

    ....that the wonders of 98 ar enot going to be repeated

    » Posted on June 13th, 2006 10:47:35 AM by ace


    » Posted on June 13th, 2006 10:33:35 AM by lkirsch

    Allez Les Bleus!!!!!!!!! Allez Les Bleus!!!!!!!!! Allez Les Bleus!!!!!!!!!
  • WTF?

    » Posted on June 13th, 2006 10:13:06 AM by kosher

    who da fuck is ecoloco? 1-1 every result.....if you wanted last just to get your money back, why enter in the first place dumbass?
  • france have started well....

    » Posted on June 13th, 2006 09:58:27 AM by ace

    cmon now 1 goal is all I ask of you....pleeeasssseee!
  • france have started well....

    » Posted on June 13th, 2006 09:17:35 AM by ace

    cmon now 1 goal is all I ask of you....pleeeasssseee!
  • Actually....

    » Posted on June 13th, 2006 08:46:06 AM by briegel

    I confused my result with the brazil one, so I'd like 1-1 for France, I'll let that defense get scored once. But the ofense should only score once as well, I don't want those leaders to keep getting points...
  • viva la france?

    » Posted on June 13th, 2006 08:42:03 AM by ace

    I don't think France will be too impressive. I still think they'll win the game though. The Swiss have a good team. Unless Henry can produce some masterclass, this game will lacklustre...1-0
  • Actually....

    » Posted on June 13th, 2006 08:35:28 AM by briegel

    I confused my result with the brazil one, so I'd like 1-1 for France, I'll let that defense get scored once. But the ofense should only score once as well, I don't want those leaders to keep getting points...
  • I'm with you

    » Posted on June 13th, 2006 08:31:52 AM by briegel

    2-0 would be "Con Madre!", 2-1 would be "Mierda!!!" C'mon France, have that defense ready.....
  • Off to France...

    » Posted on June 13th, 2006 07:58:55 AM by serge

    A really good score would be 2:0. A really bad score would be 2:1. I'll take anything other than 2:1...
  • Scrolling

    » Posted on June 13th, 2006 07:28:32 AM by serge

    An easy way to scroll is to click anywhere in the table, and then use your cursor keys to navigate...

    However, if you do that, you will never get to see Marcos' scores :-)
  • Very nice, Mr Kirsch but...

    » Posted on June 13th, 2006 12:14:13 AM by meister dk

    Could you place a scroll bar at the top of the result list. Its very annoying for Us "top-10'ers", that we have to scroll down to all the loosers, to see the remaining results;-)
  • Do you like it?

    » Posted on June 12th, 2006 08:34:19 PM by kirsch

    Some changes in the results table... what do you think?
  • Re: scroll bar

    » Posted on June 12th, 2006 05:24:54 PM by danieljllo

    Try clicking on the results table and then use the keyboard arrow keys to scroll the table. I know this works with Firefox and Safari. I don't know about other browsers.
  • Re: scroll bar

    » Posted on June 12th, 2006 03:14:47 PM by kirsch

    Putting a scrollbar on top is a little tricky, I don't think I'm going to do it. I have other ideas though (thanks for the suggestions) that will make the results table easier to read without it being too much work for me... after all, I have ANOTHER job that actually pays money :)
  • scroll bar

    » Posted on June 12th, 2006 03:05:24 PM by lkirsch

    webmaster, please add an horizontal scroll bar on top of the page to see the results in a more appropiate and easy manner....thanks-!
  • more goals .. more goals!

    » Posted on June 12th, 2006 01:51:32 PM by ace

    cmon italy and ghana...we need to see more goals!
  • more goals .. more goals!

    » Posted on June 12th, 2006 01:34:52 PM by ace

    cmon italy and ghana...we need to see more goals!
  • again, lost my first 2 bets of the day, but...

    » Posted on June 12th, 2006 11:47:28 AM by don_jose

    being able to watch the 3-0 against the US made me so happy! Sorry, I can not be objective when the US is playing :) I can not forget what happened 4 years ago.
  • Fat lady...

    » Posted on June 12th, 2006 11:43:51 AM by serge

    » Posted on June 12th, 2006 08:14:27 AM by briegel
    »Wow! I went from getting points to oh crap in 5 minutes at the Australia - Japan game. There's no doubt that nobody leaves until the fat lady sings....

    Well, it looks like Japanese players left a little early today...
  • nooooooooooooooooo!

    » Posted on June 12th, 2006 10:39:01 AM by ace

    bah! almost had my 2 points there :P
  • CZE is gonna be big this time...

    » Posted on June 12th, 2006 10:38:50 AM by traserosface

    Expect to see them among the first 4...

    » Posted on June 12th, 2006 10:37:12 AM by kirsch

  • alright Rosicky!

    » Posted on June 12th, 2006 09:41:45 AM by ace

    Cmon more goals from either side...stay at 2 - 0!
  • whoa!

    » Posted on June 12th, 2006 08:47:10 AM by ace

    good comeback from the socceroos..didn't think they'd comeback at all the way they were playing...oh well..i'm happy..i got my points :)
  • Surprise!

    » Posted on June 12th, 2006 08:14:27 AM by briegel

    Wow! I went from getting points to oh crap in 5 minutes at the Australia - Japan game. There's no doubt that nobody leaves until the fat lady sings....
  • Games not in order?

    » Posted on June 12th, 2006 07:46:11 AM by kirsch

    This website shows the games numbered the same as in the FIFA website:
    Look there for the actual schedules.
  • Japan vs Australia today?

    » Posted on June 12th, 2006 07:38:33 AM by briegel

    I thought Italy was supposed to play this morning, what's up?
  • Viva Mexico!!!!!

    » Posted on June 11th, 2006 08:44:17 PM by fammota

    Viva Mexico .....!!!!!
  • Viva Mexico!!!!!

    » Posted on June 11th, 2006 07:57:23 PM by fammota

    Viva Mexico .....!!!!!
  • Website

    » Posted on June 11th, 2006 12:47:50 PM by camcoca

    Hey Kirsch, this website and the polla are great. I just have a suggestion: Is it possible to include a scroll bar on top of the results or in the window. And, can you lock the Total cell next to the names. Thanks
  • nice!

    » Posted on June 11th, 2006 12:07:35 PM by ace

    goal already! go portugal!
  • Website

    » Posted on June 11th, 2006 11:31:13 AM by camcoca

    Hey Kirsch, this website and the polla are great. I just have a suggestion: Is it possible to include a scroll bar on top of the results or in the window. And, can you lock the Total cell next to the names. Thanks

    » Posted on June 11th, 2006 11:20:33 AM by le mush

    Marcos, Mexico played well, but they were playng against a very weak rival, that made a lot of mistakes, one of them cost them a goal.
    I still don´t think we proved that we have enough to go on strong to the second round, whn we do weel against Portugal, I´ll we convinced.
    Let me know what you think.

    P.S. My complements Moi, for filling in the results so eficenntly
  • First good guess

    » Posted on June 11th, 2006 11:15:06 AM by serge

    Thank you, Mexico, for scoring 3 times, and thank you, Iran for scoring once.

    ps. Congrats, my Mexican friends!
  • Well, there goes my bet, but....

    » Posted on June 11th, 2006 10:39:48 AM by don_jose

    who cares, mexico is winning!!!!!
    I see no other option than getting drunk today.
  • nice!

    » Posted on June 11th, 2006 10:38:17 AM by ace

    now that was quality...well done Mexico!
  • goooooaaallll!!!

    » Posted on June 11th, 2006 10:36:55 AM by don_jose

    you will call me supersticious, but just before the goal I said: "Let me switch the channel to see Formula 1, and with my "good" luck I will miss Mexico 2nd goal"... Guess what!!! IT WORKED!!!!!

    » Posted on June 11th, 2006 09:30:35 AM by don_jose

  • unimpressive

    » Posted on June 11th, 2006 09:26:18 AM by ace

    mexico has been quite bland so far...Iran on the other hand have made some good plays..will be interesting to see the result of this one...
  • Yeah! That's the way I like it!

    » Posted on June 11th, 2006 06:18:35 AM by don_jose

    Getting closer to it! First goal from Netherlands!
  • New day, new luck?

    » Posted on June 11th, 2006 06:03:03 AM by don_jose

    Again I betted a fantastic score 4-0 for Netherlands. Could it be that I got it righ this time?
    About Mexico winning over Iran, there is no doubt at all. Finally, the day has come!
  • Tip

    » Posted on June 10th, 2006 08:27:23 PM by kirsch

    Check this out: if you hover the mouse pointer over a user's nick in the results table, you'll see his full name. I bet you didn't know this one.
  • :( Ivory Coast deserved a draw

    » Posted on June 10th, 2006 02:18:13 PM by ace

    It was a good game..some bad refreeing decisions...should have been a draw..oh well...that's wishful thinking...but Grp C is definitely the grp to see!
  • Whew!

    » Posted on June 10th, 2006 01:53:30 PM by serge

    I wanted 3:1, but I think we got lucky CIV did not get a 2:2
  • what can I say???

    » Posted on June 10th, 2006 01:41:32 PM by don_jose

    definitively not my day... but this goal was expected. Ivory Coast is really pushing. They deserved it.

    » Posted on June 10th, 2006 01:40:37 PM by ace

  • cmon IVC!

    » Posted on June 10th, 2006 01:36:02 PM by ace

    2 more goals!
  • Can I win something today?

    » Posted on June 10th, 2006 01:07:04 PM by don_jose

    Come on Argentina! 3-0 please!!!!
    Just one more goal! Am I asking too much?
  • So far so good

    » Posted on June 10th, 2006 12:56:25 PM by serge

    In order to make a difference, the second half needs to go 1:1.
  • So far so good

    » Posted on June 10th, 2006 12:50:24 PM by serge

    In order to make a difference, the second half needs to go 1:1.
  • ugh...

    » Posted on June 10th, 2006 12:41:30 PM by ace

    the game has been great so far...need Ivory Coast to get back! cmon Toure! cmon Drogba!
  • Andres you're an idiot

    » Posted on June 10th, 2006 12:39:06 PM by traserosface

    You are just a lucky bastard, how come you don't even know what soccer is and you're ding so good? You are just a looser with luck.
  • controversy!

    » Posted on June 10th, 2006 12:17:21 PM by ace

    Looks like its bad luck time for Argentina - hand ball not given and then the goal not given! First controversy of the WC!
  • T&T deserved the draw

    » Posted on June 10th, 2006 10:54:53 AM by ace

    Very well played indeed. They didn't get too defensive after the loss of John. All praises for their keeper Shaka Hislop! Well done! Of course it doesn't help me in my points...but man this is what the World Cup is all about! Awesome!
  • I definitely underestimated T&T

    » Posted on June 10th, 2006 10:34:16 AM by ace

    They are down to 10 men and yet attacking and holding! Cmon Sweden..need 4 goals in 15 mins!
  • Short memory

    » Posted on June 10th, 2006 10:19:29 AM by kirsch

    Some people forget Trinidad and Tobago beat Mexico (aka best team in the CONCACAF) in the qualifiers. They won't be easy to beat by that much...
  • 38 mins and nothing...

    » Posted on June 10th, 2006 09:40:16 AM by don_jose

    Ohhh, what's the problem with Sweden? They are nowhere nearby the 4-0 I need to get closer to the first places?!?!!?
  • Unimpressive England

    » Posted on June 10th, 2006 09:30:26 AM by ace

    They started well...looked great...what the hell was the defensive strategy after half time...soooo boring..I hope England don't do this "Italy" like defense thing. Their best weapon is their attack..and they SERIOUSLY need to play Gerrard in the attacking role!
  • Zlatan Ibrahimovic trains with gum?

    » Posted on June 10th, 2006 09:13:32 AM by danieljllo
  • I'm doing great

    » Posted on June 10th, 2006 07:55:10 AM by kirsch

    Look who's #79 and #81... yeah I'm doing great. I'm going to make a comeback anyway so watch out.
  • Kids...

    » Posted on June 10th, 2006 06:19:03 AM by serge

    Somebody should have told PAR which way they're going, we always tell the kids "go towards that goal"... Pfffft.
  • See the results

    » Posted on June 09th, 2006 05:58:58 PM by kirsch

    There's a link on the top of the page. Use that.

    » Posted on June 09th, 2006 04:21:54 PM by le mush

    Hey Marcos, where can we chek the general score board, to see how many points each contestant has?

    » Posted on June 09th, 2006 04:18:44 PM by le mush

    Raza, what did you think about the Ecuador Polonia match?
    I was gladly surprised by Ecuador, and disapointed on Poland, y belived they were a better team, let me know your tougths.

  • Poland...

    » Posted on June 09th, 2006 01:59:53 PM by serge

    They were sooo close to scoring that one honor goal... oh well, it was good today. Tomorrow will be much worse I think.
  • not intuitive enough

    » Posted on June 09th, 2006 01:55:27 PM by ace

    ....of course 'picho rulz' i didn't realize the results page would show our predictions when I posted earlier..anyhow...a good day's game of football...looks like the few ppl who predicted the ecuador win go ahead in the race...nice! now this is called a balanced never know what to expect!
  • You can see your predictions

    » Posted on June 09th, 2006 12:46:57 PM by picho rulez

    As hard to imagine as it could be, you can see your results in the Results page. Come on ace? what's wrong with you?
  • Why can't I see my predictions?

    » Posted on June 09th, 2006 10:28:29 AM by ace

    I agree the deadline has passed but we should still be able to see the predictions!
  • Argentina?

    » Posted on June 09th, 2006 08:38:56 AM by ace

    Who says Argentina is going to make it past the 1st round?? Its going to be the Netherlands and Ivory Coast..mark my words :)
  • Neither Argentina nor England...

    » Posted on June 09th, 2006 07:41:13 AM by danieljllo

    I think Argentina is going to loose against Mexico in the second round. England is going to loose against Brasil in the semi finals... and Brasil will be the champion.
  • Nah!

    » Posted on June 08th, 2006 09:19:19 PM by cuate007

    Doubtful...argentina or england anyone?
  • First post!

    » Posted on June 08th, 2006 08:25:52 PM by kirsch

    Hello, I'm very excited for the World Cup and for winning all your money, starting tomorrow.
    Will Mexico win the championship??